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Monday, December 17, 2012

She's my mom.

Recently I've been trying to get Bella to understand that her Grammy is my mom and that her Tia's are my sister. It's been kind of confusing so I asked my mom to send me some pictures of me when i was younger and she did.
She sent me the sweetest picture of me as a baby and her holding me. I think sometimes as daughters we forget/don't realize that our mothers love us as much as we love our babies. This picture reminds me of how much my mom loves me. The way she was holding me and just looks so happy and I'm just snuggled and asleep and obviously feel so safe in her arms. I just wanted to share because I seriously LOVE this. I love the moment.
Bella does understand a little more that she's my mom but I think I gained more from these photos this time:)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ward Christmas Party.

We had our ward christmas party and it was a busy fun day! It was an ugly sweater party and Doug and I managed to find some pretty ugly sweaters at goodwill. There was a lot of people who showed up with LOTS of food. Bella looked super cute in her ugly sweater and she couldn't wait to show her friends. Poor girlie was having a fever on and off that day so I let her take off:)
She had so much fun running around with her friends and they even set up karaoke so she LOVED that! And when Santa came she was so cute she came running to Doug and I to take us to him. We are so lucky to have such a nice ward family.