these last two weeks have been very exciting and filled with so many activities. my sister in law Tami had her baby shower, we got sealed to Bella, Doug and I celebrated our third anniversary and had a mini vacation just the two of us, and I was able to attend my friend Taren's sealing which by the way was amazing! I was so happy to be there for her and I wish everyone knew Taren and her story because her family is beautiful and she deserves to be this happy! I am full of joy :)
I started going to the doctors every two weeks too but I alternate between seeing my doctor and my nurse practioner every other visit though. I saw my nurse practioner Velma today and she said she was very happy with how healthy I looked. that my blood pressure was great and so was my weight which made me feel good. baby girls heartbeat was in the 140's as usual and she said she was measuring right on schedule. I asked her if I would just see the on call doctor if I went into labor on Christmas and she said yes but I could schedule to be induced a week early which is December 22 if I wanted. I told her I would think about it and talk to Doug about it. At first I was excited to have her before Christmas and enjoy this beautiful newborn baby in 9 weeks but after talking to Doug and thinking it over I realized we'd most likely get discharged on Christmas eve. I would feel pressured to go to our usual Christmas activities but I know when I have Charlie I want to be able to go home and enjoy our new baby and simply focus on her not on the Christmas hussle and bussle. also having one last Christmas with only Bella will be great. really though its not up to me, she might come that day or on Christmas on her own but I wont make her:)