I'm so glad Bella only graduated from know Kindergarten I don't think I could handle anything else. I can't believe how fast this school year flew by. Bella has learned and grown so much this year and I'm so proud of my little cutie.
Bella getting her "diploma." She was so funny!
My mom and Bella. She sure loves her Grammy:)
My sister and Olivia. Proud aunt and cousin! Bella loved having them there. I kept hearing "that's my cousin Olivia!"
A rare family picture. We're almost all looking.
These two love each other!
Bella and Ms.Demond. She is seriously such an amazing teacher! I am so happy we were lucky enough to have her for our first year of school. Honestly dropping off your baby for the first time with pretty much a stranger feels so wrong. She helped ease all my worries the first few weeks of school. She was so approachable and available to me when I had questions and Bella absolutely loves her! She would come home every day and tell me how nice she was, what she learned and how much she loved her.
My favorite is when Bella came home for a few weeks and tell me about a little boy who kept saying mean things to her. I asked her if she told Ms.Demond and she said no. So I told her to talk to her about it and see if she would help her. I was afraid she might ignore her or push the problem aside. She 100% fixed the problem the next day. I was so proud of Bella and so grateful for her teacher. We will definitely miss her.
Bella loved taking pictures with her friends. I think they were all so cute but u know we missed a few like her best friend lillia. But all these girls are just as cute!
My sweet Bellsie girl I love you so much. You are so funny and full of life! I can't believe how fast these 5 almost 6 years have gone by. You have surpassed all my expectation of you. You are sweet, smart, thoughtful, hard working, and so full of love for your family. You are also so stylish and amazingly beautiful inside and out. I am lucky to be your mother. I'm lucky to be able to watch you grow. Keep growing, and keep shining!