We had our elective ultrasound today and our baby was being a little difficult. Baby kept crossing their legs and not wanting to give us a good bum shot. The ultrasound tech had me stand up and walk around 3 times and finally she had me hold my knees up to my chest for a bit and FINALLY we were able to see that we're having A GIRL!!! I can't believe it! Honestly I was so sure we were having a boy that I was a little surprised but that almost made it better.
The funny part is everyone and I mean everyone in my family thought we were having a boy except for Bella and my nephew Jackson. I think that just means we need to listen to the little ones more often lol.
Finding out we're having a girl made me so very excited and really made me feel like we're going to have a baby. I'm excited to pick a name, pick out some adorable outfits and especially matching dresses with Bella! Ahh I can't wait! I also love that Doug is the perfect guy to handle a house full of girls. But really now I can't wait to hold my sweet little girl<3
Our sweet little baby<3
16 weeks pregnant!
Also a little pregnancy update. I'm feeling great these days! My nausea hasn't been so bad lately at all. I can usually handle it without any medicine. I have been feeling movement still, not consistent but mostly in the morning. Baby girl likes to move towards my belly button in the mornings and I get a funny looking lump in the mornings lol. I love it. I love my growing baby! All in all I LOVE being pregnant. I love feeling our baby rolling around. I love that my belly is growing. I love how happy and excited Doug and Bella are. And I know that it's just going to get better :)
- How far along: 16 weeks and 3 days.
- Baby is the size of a: turnip (5 inches 4-6 ounces)
- Total weight gain/loss: 0
- The Bump: getting bigger/rounder and harder. Especially in the mornings baby girl loves to move up towards my belly button but I feel like if you didn't know I was pregnant you would start wondering if I was pregnant or just gaining weight lol.
- Symptoms: nausea is going away. Only a little bit in the evening. I've been pretty tired this week. Yesterday Bella and I took a 2 hour nap and I wanted to keep sleeping and today I didn't wake up until 9:30!
- Food Cravings: peaches! I want to eat them ALL the time.
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Not one thing makes me queasy. Only if I wait too long to eat I suppose or if I'm outside in the heat too long.
- Sleep: I love sleeping this week. Last week wasn't too bad but I could sleep all day if I didn't have a little girl to take care of :)
- What I miss: sleeping all night. On a good night I only get up to pee twice.
- Weddings Rings On or Off: On :)
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: a few that we love! We can't decide between 2. Good thing were having a girl because Doug and I didn't really care for any boy names.
- Gender: A sweet girlie!
- Movement: I don't feel kicks more like the baby rolling around.
- Maternity Clothes: I have a pair of shorts that I bought when I found out I was pregnant. I needed new ones since its so hot here in Texas and I wanted to wear them comfortably all summer long but I still fit into my reg pants.
- Labor Signs: N/A
- Best Moment of the Week: finding out we're having a girl! Buying her an outfit. Going threw Bella's old clothes made me soo excited to put baby girl #2 in them. And if course SEEING our baby!
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: More movement. Having Doug and Bella really feel her move. And seeing her move :). Also not being in that awkward "she kinda looks pregnant but maybe she's Just gaining weight" stage.
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