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Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!!

This year was THE BEST valentines day EVER! Doug and I spent three different days to celebrate. First we went on a date a week before to buy new running shoes. We both needed and wanted new running shoes and what better way to get motivated then to get matching cute shoes!? It was so fun and just nice going out just the two of us. Then on actual valentines day Bella and I both got flowers and Balloons and i really did LOVE my flowers but what i loved more than that was Bellas face when she realized that she got her own flowers from daddy! Her face was just amazed, and happy. She really did feel special and it was so adorable to see her face light up. I had also made doug a cute picture frame that says "i love you because..." and you write on the oustide what you love about them. Its such a cute and fun idea to make eachother feel loved and luckily fo rme my husband likes that kind of stuff so he was happy:). We ordered heart shape pizza, drank some sparkling cider and enjoyed valentines day as a family loving eachother! It truly was a FUN and perfect Valentines day. And thirdly Doug and i went on an official v-day date the next saturday. We swapped kids with some friends so they could go out friday and we would go out the next day. Doug and i went to Olive garden one of our fav restaurants and then watched "The Vow." I was super excited because doug and i have been talking about watching it since we saw the first preview. We had such a good time and i really appreciate the little and much needed one on one time we have. I couldnt have asked for a better husband and valentine<3

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

This year I finally cracked down and gave myself some much needed goals! Every year im too scared to set goals for myself but i finally did. These are a few of my goals in no paticular order.

1. Be patient with Bella ALWAYS! i know this is not possible but ive gotten so much better at not being angry and just calmly talking to her when shes in trouble. Im still stern but patient and again calm and she listens so much better. I feel like a btter mother already.

2. Be a more loving and thoughtful wife. I have been blessed with a very adoring husband. He is always bringing home cute suprises, sending me sweet text messages and just overal very loving. I am not as awesome as him and for a while i struggled with making my marriage as big of a priority as being a mother but now i realized its just as important! so watch out doug cute notes and thoughts are going your way! haha

3. cooking dinner more often. And i have! ive learned so many recipies off pinterest and cooking has been a lot more fun. I have been very proud of myself and i feel like my family is eating better because we dont go out to eat junk as often.

4. Be more organized and clean. So far so good. ive been pretty proud of myself. my biggest struggle is still laundry but were getting better and so far its only february so i have 10 more months to master it.

5. Pray with my husband every night.

6. Go to Church every sunday.

7. Workout out 5 days a week and eat more veggies.

8. Go back to School.

9. Make Family Home Evening a priority.